There are several ways to do this.
I will share here one approach that works for me.
After I've been inspired to minister to a certain song, I start out by listening to it as much as I can . . . almost ad nauseam. I think about the big message that God wants to communicate through the song or message.
I pray to Him to give me the message He wants me to carry for the song message.
Next, I write out or type out the lyrics to the song. . . . Although I know there are places online that I can go to get the lyrics, there is something that works for me in "writing down the song lyrics as I hear them."
This gives me a chance to reflect upon and "hear" scripture in the song, to ensure that it is Word-based.
After I'm clear on what the lyrics to the song are saying, I find the scripture that supports that song.
(What does any of this have to do with dance ministry and choreography, you're asking? Lots! Keep reading!)
By this time, either consciously or unconsciously, bits of choreography or 'ideas' for moves have begun to come to me.
Sometimes, I will also play the song and just "flow," . . . just dance to what I hear, not caring what it looks like.
During this time, I allow myself to let my mind "clear" . . . which is also why I don't like looking at others' dances to this song, especially if I know I might be ministering to it. I note what I "see" in my mind's eye.
Because of the way I learn, I have to "write down the image or moves that I see."
I oftentimes have to go through an entire song, writing down the moves or actions that I see at certain times. If I'm at a dance practice and am working on choreography, I'm often "in the minute," but could be watching the Holy Spirit lead the dance in my head! More than once I've been asked 'what's the matter' or 'what's wrong with what someone else is doing.' Nothing, I just sometimes see different things.
I've learned that it's very important to start a dance ministry choreography out with emphasis and interest . . . lose them from the gate and they might not come to 'listen' with their eyes, ears and heart.
Also, try to have movement over the dance floor . . . Consider that your dance space has left, right, front and back . . . and maybe even a baptismal pool or steps or a stage or other elevated platform. Take time to 'dream outside the box' when it comes to choreography and your set place.
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